Wednesday 6 February 2013

Planning/use of locations

Planning location was essential for our music video, we decided to film part of it in central London, revealing famous land marks which our audience will hopefully be familiar with and relate to, capturing their attention.  Big Ben, the red buses, London eye etc are all typically associated with the city and are well known throughout the world; making the audience aware of the location.
Filming in a city evokes a busy lifestyle, reflecting working life with night life, this represents a change in our characters. We combine searching for our companion at night with clubbing scenes, juxtaposing mixed emotions as we search for someone followed by carelessly clubbing, letting ourselves go and having fun, highlighting friendship as we dance together. We deliberately filmed at night, capturing shots from places such as Piccadilly as the luminous lights correspond and reflect the dance genre and idea of the nightlife in the city which is further portrayed and links with the use of tints and neon lights in clubs which we have filmed.
The various locations represent a journey, moving through London in attempt to find this person, from Big Ben to Piccadilly, highlighting famous landmarks in London which the audience would probably be familiar with and either relate to or build an image in their minds of this famous location. These varied establishing shots reveal a journey through time and life as scenes flick from day to night, while we are immature in the day, dance at night and 'forever' continuously search, these change in scenes and emotions could show a change in character as artists, due to age are going from teen to young adult.

These scenes are conventional to a pop music genre as it corresponds with and enhances the narrative, revealing destinations the characters have been in attempt to look for someone.

Central London Locations- Piccadilly 

Big Ben 

Forest Location 
A forest location was used to contrast a change in environment from a busy city to a tranquil forest, to show us going to different extends in order to search.This allowed us to over exaggerate the narrative as realistically this is not where the character would be found but it produces a story. It also shows desperation as they search anywhere, the forest could also be seen as somewhere to escape to and reflect on thoughts, alone.  Forests represent abandonment due to the over grown plants, trees and lack in people, but can also be seen as a peaceful place. The over grown environment which surrounds us could relate similarly to our over active, over stimulated mind as we continuously 'hunt' which turns into an obsession, of constantly searching for someone. Forests represent nature, predator and prey therefore the idea of hunting accurately fits our theme even if we are not showing animalistic behaviour.

We originally wanted to film in a maze but had to remain practical and realistic, this would have been challenging to do due to cost, distance and the public, therefore we decided to film in a forest. The forest was the most similar to a maze as it could still reflect that element of feeling lost; the inability to solve ones problems.