Thursday 2 May 2013

Representation of Artists Justin & Rihanna

1)Representation of music artist
2) connotations of advert
3) Colours and connotations
4) Design/layout
5) Choice of images
6) Typography
7) Style of language
8) How does the advert promote the artist
9) How does it promote the music genre
10) How does it attract the target audience

Representation of the Music Artist
The digipack comes with two cds,one which is his album, the other is a dvd, giving a simple insight into his life and the creation of the album, in order to promote himself. A booklet is also included which consists of a photo shoot and a poster.

Connotations of advert
The connotations of the Justin Bieber cd case indicates 'believing' yourself and following your dream, this is targeted towards specifically young people, for example teenage girls, playing on the idea that Justin believed himself and followed his dreams and look where he is now, emphasising himself as in inspiration and an icon to look up to, as he came from nothing. Teenage girls have been known to look up to Justin and use him as support.

Design and layout 
The theme of 'believing' is further indicated and supported through the use of warm colours and gold to suggest how he has reached his dream, gold to suggest wealth and success. The reds, oranges and yellows and background setting in a long shot of his picture look as if he is in space, on top of the world and close to the sun to emphasise his success and power, adding to believing.
The design and layout appears simplistic to promote and stress the simple portrayal of dreaming, with a closeup of Justin Biebers face,on the front cover. The positioning and exposure of the lighting on his face appears as if a beam/ray of lighting over his face as he looks to the side, suggesting that he is in reaching distance of where he exactly wants to be, as if there is always a ray of hope, this is made more visible due to the small beam of light in the bottom corner of the cd cover which looks like the sun.  Although the picture appears dark, he is not overshadowed due to this lighting, the light on his face makes him appear warm, golden offering comfort and support, an element of happiness which is supported by the believe title which looks like it has been printed across/stamped in making it prominent and powerful.
(Choices of images)
Each image of Justin reveals him looking away from the camera perhaps to signify he has a dream to follow, it also makes him appear hopeful and as if gazing deep into thought, the colours reflect dream. The back of the cd has an image of Justin playing his guitar with his guitar case open, with the word believe inside, further establishing how he started off, from busking. This is filtered with a gold glaze as if reminiscing how he began, making him appear humbled he is now the gold which he has chased.

Justin Bieber appears to be promoting himself through his album, being an established artist enables him to do this, as he appeals to millions of female girls; they want posters and photo shoot images of him.
The back of the cd presents us with the tracklist in gold which coincides with the theme, the top reads lyrics to the 'believe' song 'where would I be if YOU didn't believe', as if attempting to give back an thank the fans for supporting him. This album is as if he is giving back to the fans, providing them with an overload of pictures and a dvd in order to please them and suggest that he is somewhat 'grateful'. The typography throughout each of Justin's albums/singles remain the same, basic but noticeable and effective due to his popularity

Promoting the artist and music genre 
This album promotes Justin Bieber as increasingly maturing as he can now already look back and reflect on his success and how far he has established himself throughout the music industry and internationally.   However as he is still a teenager, and is working on adapting and widening his diverse audience this album simply indicates Justin as a positive role model. He has not faced a change in roles or different image but has subtly created a varied range of music in order to capture and remain interests to those who like him as a 'teen heartthrob' . It also represents change, conveying that he is no longer a child and underestimated, because of his huge success.
This is specific to the music genre of pop as many artists front covers consist of close ups, an example of this would be Rihanna's Loud album and Lady gaga. This is effective in allowing pleasing the fans and continue to be instantly recognised, as if promoting popularity.

I have also analysed Rihanna's digipack for her album 'Talk that Talk'.

As visually identified above,it is evident that Rihanna has adopted a black and white effect to her digipack, this significantly represents her emotionless state as the close up images of her staring into the camera appear blunt while she exhales smoke, representing a careless, rebellious attitude as if saying 'I'm not bothered.' She looks slightly dazed as her eyes are relaxed the idea of the smoke could be symbolic to her culture, representing her Barbados routes and her love for marijuana. The black and white instantly produces an archaic feel, this is further enhanced by her big hair and curls and stripes worn which make it relatable to the 80s perming hair style, however the top lighting evident in her modelling on the stairs alongside the stripes also develop a modernised feel. The low angle pose of her sitting on the stairs, as we look up to her slightly creates a feeling of dominance and empowerment, this is further conveyed and emphasised through her body positioning. Her legs are apart, as she sits back slanted slightly while her hand is on her hair, this instantly develops a feeling of confidence and relaxation. In more depth the positioning of her body language could continue to represent an element of control, adopting masculine poses and traits to suggest that females are dominant, powerful human beings, highlighting her feminist representations of independence. Teemed with Rihanna smoking it develops the idea of being able to freely do what she wants, challenging conventions slightly as smoking is rarely advertised or included in pop genre digipacks, it almost appears promotional, and suggests her high status as she is clearly stating she will do what she wants to do. The upside down image of her smoking coincides with what has been mentioned, however laying down could show a slightly more submissive state perhaps attempting to express subtle elements of sex appeal, embracing herself, in admiration as she  'chills'. The accessories include  her wearing of sunglasses which are a typical element of the pop genre, re-adjusting/ holding onto them as she almost hangs upside down shows her not only reflecting her successful star image, but again hiding emotions. Her personality is hidden throughout this digipak and not expressed to remove her from her audience and place her above in terms of her egoistic views. The impact this could have on the audience may be that they want to adopt this attitude, relatable to the star image Dyer theory.

The title of 'Talk that Talk' is bold, practically underlined, making it look stern and stubborn. Rihanna's careless attitude represented throughout these images correspond with the title as she is representing a specific attitude to fit in with the theme and idea of speaking out what you think and simply standing your ground. Talk that talk, the title could be relating to the idea of being who you are, not changing and also be a diva if you are one, to talk what you have to say, perhaps even without thinking. Rihanna enjoys smoking therefore she's smoking on her front cover because this is her, if you dislike, that's simply ones own loss, as we are defined as individuals due to the attitudes we reflect and the choices we make and things we like, Rihanna again is standing by her individuality and promoting this. The cd cover changes my thoughts completely, with newspaper prints over it, therefore the black and white could be in relation the a newspaper, expressing people and the media continuously talking about her, this could however still link and be related further suggesting that people will talk regardless and continue to, so you may as well do what you want- e.g her smoking. Either way; creatively the titles of the songs in her album and title name has been placed in print on the cd, already familarising the audience with the songs. The title of the songs and album are all which remain appropriate as Rihanna is a well established artist, instantly from her close up we know that this is Rihanna, with the simple but sharp 'R' on the front symbolising her name, which is continuously used and well known in identifying her. The only other font is the colour red to again stand out to show the songs, the colour red again adding intimacy, representing Rihanna as a fierce, hot headed individual with attitude but lust at the same time.