Monday 17 September 2012

The Script Hall of fame ft. it follows purpose of music vid

The Script-Hall of fame ft. 

How it follows the purpose of the music video
Style of the music video
Explain generic conventions of genre
Target audience

The music video is not just to entertain as it appears to convey a deeper message, giving us a realistic insight into peoples struggling lives and determination. The music video begins as if it is a film almost introducing 2 different characters which struggle with society and their upbringings and the challenges they are faced with. For example the boy who is woken by his mum verbally abusing him, living in a rundown area, where as the girl is deaf but appears to be living in a wealthy surroundings instantly showing different classes of people. As it reveals each character there is a flashback effect of a ‘taste of success’ in black and white. For example the boxer is holding up his hands in a winning gesture and the ballerina performing professionally as if it is their destiny. Each clips echoed by cheers and a slow motion effect of their actions. But the black and white makes it appear as if it is a long distant memory, perhaps attempting to evoke their dreams and it never becoming reality for them due to their current situations. Each of these characters reveal different surroundings as the male is irish and the female is American this connects us to the artists backgrounds as Danny is Irish and is American, as if the bringing together of different people through dreams. 

The music video is narrative as it focuses on telling the lives of these 2 characters while switching between and the script performing/singing, as if it is live footage but in a warehouse as if mimicking/following their actions as if performing live. The dark; low key lighted room which the script and performs in almost conveys distress this is supported by the fact that the lights are flickering. However it allows us to focus on the artists themselves. This could be a metaphor for the struggle of the characters lives and although it’s dark and difficult if you don’t give up it will get better. The scene could be dark to also relate to the black and white images of the success which flashes up various times when struggling relating the artists to these successful scenes too. There is a long shot of the script as if physically standing in ‘a hall of fame’ which it may be attempting to convey, as they are already there. 

The music video does not paint a perfect idealised image which makes it easy to warm to and shows that failure can come before success but not to give up through pressure etc. The boxer gets beaten up and the ballerina cannot perform. The music almost mutes and appears as if sounding underwater to evoke composure. Close ups are common in this music video to allow us to connect with the characters emotional distress. It switches between the artists and the characters which is also a convention in a music video almost relating them to the scenes. and the script replicate the boxing gesture to show strength and make the video appear more continuous. The camera angles challenge the conventions to an ordinary music video as it is jittery and uneven as if it is hand held. However this adds to the purpose of the music video making it appear more realistic and implying distressed minds, emotions are very clear through this. 

The target audience is extremely open, from the message of the music video it appears to attempt to appeal to everyone because it suggests that you can still be successful and follow your dream no matter who you are. ‘You can be the greatest you can be the best’, no matter what you are faced with. To a certain extent let this make you a stronger person, fight and strive to be better. On the other hand I would say that the general demographic audience due to this being the script and and pop music would be teenagers as they listening to this music more and are influenced by these. The script is mainly appealing to teenage girls. The music video features older teenagers as actors to perhaps allow us to make a better connection and more relatable. Due to the lyrics saying ‘be astronauts’ or ‘be politicians’ this furthermore indicate that it is addressing/inspiriting the future generation to follow their dreams and be what you want because anything is possible.

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in explaining what a music video is, through some of the points that you have made. You have also considered the music video well as you have referenced the music video well too.

    To make your analysis more detailed you need to include the following points:
    1) the purpose of a music video
    2) the codes and conventions
    Also aim to include images from the video to support your examples
