Tuesday 6 November 2012

**miley cyrus/Justin Bieber analysing a stars (teen)

Goodwins theory summary*
Genre and characteristics
Artists Image
Target audience*
values considered

Destiny Hope Cyrus 
Born : Franklin Tennesse
DOB:23rd November 1992 

How Miley cyrus became famous
Miley Cyrus was influenced by her actor father known as Billy Ray Cyrus, she had began to attend acting and singing classes in order to pursue her career in acting. Miley's  'claim to fame' was from a popular Disney sitcom programme Hannah Montana where she originally auditioned for the part at the age of seven but was too young so re-auditioned at the age of twelve and was awarded the part. Beforehand she had minor acting roles such as featuring in her fathers television show 'Doc', playing the guest role, followed by this she also performed in Tim Burtons film 'Big Fish' as Ruthie, later reoccuring on one of her fathers television programmes which he was hosting. These numerous roles at such a young age benefited her as it lead her to be experienced at such a young age, successfully excelling in her acting career.
Artists Image
What did Miley Cyrus as 'Hannah Montana' originally offer to the music industry?
Beginning a career in the music industry allowed Miley Cyrus to move away from her innocent childhood teen idol image of double persona Hannah Montana.
Her target audience included:
  •  School girls
  •  Fans of Disney
  • Typical age between 8-14
However as she became established and promoted  as an artist her target audience began to change, it is arguable that her fans have grown up with her so would therefore have an interest in her as an artist as well as an actor, but she would no longer be appropriate or as relevant to younger children today.
However this is what brought success and fame to her, therefore initially producing a song ' The best of both worlds' for the programme which was released on March 28 2006, drawing attention to her musical/singing ambition rather than just simply acting.
Miley Cyrus was signed to a four album deal with Disney owned Hollywood Records, which successfully peaked at number one billboards 200. They tactically produced an album which appealed to a vast audience with one disk being the sound track to the second series of the programme, while the other one was titled 'Meet Miley Cyrus' which enabled her to further familiarise, promote and be realised as Miley Cyrus.

 - Best of both Worlds
During this music video Miley cyrus or Hannah Montana is singing about living a split life with two different personas, one in which disguises her from fame allowing her to lead an ordinary life while the other lets her perform. This music is made up of live footage of Miley performing on stage as 'Hannah Montana'.
She performs basic dance moves in order to add emphasis to the lyrics sung, this is also an obvious specific convention to a performance based video. The dance moves are simple to pick up on, lacking in complexity in order for her younger audience to pick up on them and perhaps too perform them. The dance move are relevant to the lyrics therefore Goodwins theory can be applied, an example of this would be when she sings 'mix it all up' she performs a mixing motion, she also points at the audience and camera in order to engage with them suggesting that she is aware of their presence, this appeals to the audience.
The video is of poor quality and appearing extremely cheesy with the iconography used such as hats, and the sequin red top, she is dressed casually to connote innocence and awareness of her age as she is popular with younger children and wants to be seen as a role model. This Hannah Montana image is what younger children would perhaps be inspired to have- leading two lives, and they want to capture interests by making it fun portraying a perfect life with no downfall. The general reactions of the crowd are over elaborated in order to show affection towards her and increase this longing for her idolised image.
Camera angles are tactically used,as she hits a high note the camera zooms in, panning and tilting to the side, this emphasises her performance and vocals also making her appear more powerful and in control.  Fast edits are used in order to make this performance look successful in having a lively atmosphere and entertaining the audience.

Continuously Miley Cyrus was described as bubbly, smily etc, as a child teen you have to conform in a certain manner, in order to be respected.  As well as this, for a younger person to admire these characters teen stars must be seen as a role model and therefore be looked up to as something to aspire to. With positive guidance children, the young demographic will want to buy into accessories such as teeshirts to show their admiration towards this character. The young audience is initially kept in mind through products such as Hannah Montana wii games to Miley Cyrus tops, this is similar to Justin Bieber and other artists, it is apparent that Justin has younger support therefore he has dolls and nail varnishes, practically any product that would appeal to a young fan from these stars. 

The artists Image 
Miley Cyrus' image is constantly changing mainly due to her maturing and growing up, she needed to be viewed as different in order to remain in the public eye to prevent being classed as simply a child star which is somewhat forgotten about and overshadowed.  Throughout her best of both worlds video and Hannah Montana stage she wears clothes which view her as fun, girly, innocent, cute, clearly reminding us of her innocence. However it is inevitable that anyone can remain like this, Miley Cyrus has now began to adopt a 'bad girl image', due to simply living as a mature teen to young adult, smoking, reference to drugs and alcohol regardless of the image she is trying to convey in the media.

August  2012 Miley Cyrus cut and shaved hair and appears to be adopting a new imagine entirely, from clean, innocent 'girl next door' to a daring, exploiting individual. The over excessive studs worn on Miley's clothing alongside the ear piercing, necklace and other accessories identify Miley as styling herself similar to a rocker, making her appear edgy and daring as she takes risks. As a result this image works with the negative publicity and bad press Miley has been targeted in.

Justin Bieber released his first music video, 'one time' at the age of 15, with his most recent release labelled 'As long as you love me' 3 years on. His  fans are growing with him therefore he is challenged to capture a similar demographic of 18 year olds, keeping it appropriate for the younger audience but at the same time appealing to a diverse age group. Due to him maturing however, he wants to be able to appeal to a diverse age group as he slowly drives away from the teen heart throb image, he wants to be able to appeal to older people as well.   In the one time video characteristics and conventions consist of  playing video games with his friend and hosting a party while looking after Ushers house for him when he's out.

Justin Bieber's image is also beginning to change, Similarly to Miley's. This could be due to him maturing as an artist and adapting to fit the star image. His most recent music videos such as boyfriend and As long as you love me have many intertxtual references. He appears to now be revealing and emphasising his wealthy luxurious lifestyle with expensive cars and materialistic items such as jewellary as he is now seen as an icon. Before hand he was attempting to appeal to an audience, promoting himself because he was so young and unknown he did not have that lifestyle to instantly flaunt like Rita Ora does due to being older or other upcoming artists do. Justin Biebers music videos beforehand were narrative like 'one time' but light hearted and fun expressing petty teen crushes and showing off his talent dancing and socialising, innocently to be a good role model to people his age. Allowing teenagers to connect with him through these basic contentions. This was relevant and relatable again to the young teenagers he was attempting to attract. Whereas now his music videos are a lot more intense and serious in attempt to show more attitude. Elements such as voyeurism/notion of looking is used to evoke his passion for a female suggesting his attraction and stronger feelings. His dance routines are now more challenging to reveal talent and improvement, this attracts attention as people are impressed and will continue to perhaps believe that Justin is not just a "one hit wonder".  Justins image continues to change in terms of him maturing, as he does so he is drawing away from the cute image as his music videos show emotions such as anger and hurt in attempt to reveal a bit more of a 'bad boy', sex appeal image as he does not want to be labelled just 'teen heart-throb'.  It may appear pathetic but his haircut was also a huge part in his change in image, this allowed him to continue to be 'original' as his hair style was becoming increasingly popular. It was arguably a step forward in change in image taking him away from being labelled and known for his hair flip.  When he was younger he was styled in rather simple hoodies and shirts casual and relaxed with snapbacks or colour co-ordinated high tops which he does still wear now to continue his labelled "swag" but his image is also more diverse wearing things which at times makes him stand out or gain publicity, also wearing smarter clothes such as tuxedos/suits to be more of a gentleman. He is still seen as a positive role model and inspiration but is slowly adapting and evolving from a young teen to an adults perspective of being a pop artist which does stereotypically consist of elements of attitude at times and intimacy instead of fun, pranks parties and dancing. Videos such as As long as you love me and Boyfriend give him a standing ground to allow him to next time explore in depth these characteristics without it being a total shock. The music video As long as you love me also intelligently plays on his age of being 18 and being labelled as an 'adult' with responsibilities, however he is still so young and at times naive, prone to making mistakes. The father refers to him by saying   "listen kid...she needs to be with a man not a boy thats what you are". Although this statement has been made to threat and intimidate it remains relevant as he is still so young and has a lot to learn in reality. It makes his viewers aware of his age and where he currently is, Justin is not an artist that has been forced to grow up, and shows this by revealing the process in still growing. This is relevant to the audience as the same age as him because they can get carried away in relationships but at the same time are old enough to protect themselves and their loved ones if they feel strongly about something.

Changes which have taken place, slowly to create different image physically are the increase of tattoos, excessive exercise to have a toned physique and the original cutting of his hair. His hair was one of his 'assets' something which he was simply know for, changing it suggests that he was simply more than just the hair and further talent lies behind the baby face 'baby' singer. Feels the need to physically represent that change from teenage boy to man.

Justin Bieber's new songs such as "Love me like you do" which he promotes by singing on his Believe tour represents a change in this character, there is also a version with Jaden Smith as he incorporates rap, developing an RnB feel. Justin Bieber now sings about love and intimacy,  something common to pop music and RnB, he goes from singing to a sexy whisper to emphasise this. Due to his fame he can  sing about being loved and how he can get girls also, as well as covering themes such as loyalty and treating a girl properly. This song appears to have influences from artists such as Drake as he semi raps with a heavier beat incorporated ' love me like you do love me like its new'.. 'hop up in the benz' if you tryna cruise, hope up in my bed if you tryna snooze' later mentioning Louis Vuitton Shoes. He again is incorporating fame with wealth due to his status and success.

Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber have both worked with Will.i.am and both songs have/are currently being released, Justin Bieber appears to be battling bad press, alongside Miley Cyrus due to inevitably growing up and experimenting. However Justin Bieber's image could also be changing due to the excessive fame and wealth, he seems slightly more influenced by the 'bad boy' image, this could be due to influences around him or more so him simply adopting the Dyer's Star alongside Miley of simply being a product to advertise while others aspire to adopt these luxurious untouchable lifestyles. Miley Cyrus at the moment appears to be recreating her image perhaps this will be an attempt to release new music attracting a varied audience. Justin's on the other hand still remains to be a role model his current Believe world tour promotes the idea of never giving up and doing what you want in life, relational to the Adorno theory as each fan look to him and think if he thought this one time and achieved it then so can we, giving them that guidance and push. However, either way both characters have built personas, Justin will not be able to tell us to 'believe' all his life, he can simply mention this but his attitude will not always highlight optimism through growing up, it is challenging for teenage stats as they face criticism for growing and changing but cannot stay the same. 

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in analysing the representation of the artist but you also need to include a further two analysis on your chosen music artist. Then you need to include Dyers theory to support the points that you have made.
