The storyboard reveals numerous long shots and establishing shots of different locations in London, showing iconic landmarks in London to familiarise the audience of the surrounding. This is also relevant to the narrative of the music video, conveying the idea of endlessly searching throughout the city, constantly traveling around.
Representing a girl band
Carefully planning a storyboard was not only important but helpful in remaining organised and planning ideas of how to represent a girl band.
The opening shot introduces us as individuals to the audience. Throughout the music video there are basic mid-shots of us singing together. As well as this the storyboard and music video itself has action shots of all of us together, running around and jumping on each others backs to highlight central themes explored such as friendship and the idea of togetherness and happiness. Happiness can be influenced and created by those around us, which are identified through these scenes. Artists are jumping on each others backs and swinging each other around this symbolically suggests trust and support, as if we are a foundation to each other, relying on each other through good and bad.
Importance of these scene- Adorno theory a simple theme such as friendship is relatable to everyone, particularly teenage girls which a girl band would appeal to, they would be able to relate this scene through memories. It may also be something other people would like to have, the idea of togetherness and having people to rely on. This could also connote other feelings from the narrative, often people long for things or remain hopeful for something which will never happen, as they are incapable of letting go, we light heartedly touch upon this as we look for that right person in our lives.
(Importance of) Long-shots and close-up shots- have been used to express emotions, therefore the audience can interpret and understand our moods. An example of this is where Jenna sings 'somewhere in the crowd'. During this long shot she throws out her arms to emphasise the lyrics 'somewhere', this gesture could incorporate loneliness and desperation, as if throwing arms out in attempt to be listened to. On the other hand it expresses the artists passion, this then goes from a long shot to a close up in order to reveal her facial expressions, to which she could remain strong willed and powerful as she expresses herself freely and is seen 'having fun', dancing with the rest of the girl band.
These simple shots are then enhanced through editing, when singing 'crowd' a crowd appears to mimic a club scene and relate to the lyrics, which relate to Goodwin's theory, typical to a pop music video.
Extreme close ups- Storyboard shows extreme closeups of an eye to promote the theme and idea of voyeurism, looking, adding intensity as the beat leads up to the chorus. There are also extreme close ups on the lips which again intensifies the lyrics but adds intimacy, appearing more personal to the character as if emotionally attached to the person they are looking for. 'The eyes are the windows to our souls' through camera angles such as these we are able to portray and place the audience in the characters position as they understand the emotions perhaps felt, we cannot hide ourselves from what surrounds us, the shot shows an eye starring as if deep in thought or reminiscent.
This post demonstrates good planning skills on why you and your group decided on changing your orginal plans. You have considered some of your reasons and you have also focused on some of the theory too.
ReplyDeleteAim to include your first storyboards to show further understanding of why you made changes.