Monday 15 October 2012


Should Music Be Censored?

Censorship causes a huge debate as there are reasons for and against censorship, however one advantage of why music should be censored is for it to appear relevant to all audiences and ages.

Ofcom; The office of communications is a government approved system for  regulating broadcasting, televisions shows, telecom, mobiles and postal services. They are responsible for promoting competition and protecting the public from harmful, offensive material; which may include drug and sexual references. Ofcom have authority over the rules of licensing, research, complaints competition and protecting radio stations etc from abuse.

Artists which are well known for exploiting controverse topics which may include drugs, sex or relation to violence are Rihanna and Eminem. Rihanna has had videos banned as well as well as censored such as S&M which was originally removed from airplay and only played after the watershed. As well as this Rihannas other music video which was released in September 2011 was suggested to have potrayed self destructive behaviour and has even been banned in France before 10pm. This may particularly be due to the reference to drug taking, promoting the effect through careless and reckless behaviour, bright colours and the idea of removing yourself from reality, as if promoting the consumption of drugs, this may cause a younger audience to appear curious and want a similar experience.  Rihanna shows irresponsible behaviour also through alcohol as well as drugs and highlighting a provocotive sexual relationship which is enhanced through drugs and further portrayed through the title "We found love in a hopeless place".  Drugs are revealed positively as if promoting them in order to be rebellious and experience/experiment. It has specific reference to drug taking and even reveals techniques such as 'shot gunning', this is exploited through a close up of Rihanna lighting about 20 cigarettes in the males mouth enhaling and exhaling smoke into her mouth.
Rihannas S&M video exploits an  inappropriate provococtive sexual nature with "chains and whips" ...

On the other hand Eminem is censored and also at times critisised, due to his explicit language or promoting a lifestyle through violence and drug abuse through lyrics. Various videos Eminem has created are a parody of other celebrities which  is always prone to critisism and is deemed as offensive. However Eminem expresses that "music is just entertainment" which could imply that his songs are exaggerated for entertainment even if he does reveal realistic experiences.

In order to form a debate and a better understanding which would not be biased from our own point of views we researched into the media industry to explore whether they have any specific evidence which would suggest that they perhaps support or encourage Eminems music. Firstly we looked into radio stations and music channels such as Kiss, MTV and Radio one. This prevented us from generalising the debate as Radio one have a larger, diverse audience where as MTV and Kiss mainly appeal to teens; therefore forming different results. I discovered that radio stations such as Radio One do play Eminems music, evidence for this was Eminem performing at the Radio One live lounge live, however to make this appropriate his swear words were censored and skipped. This evidence supports using music as a form of entertainment and fulfilling their target audiences interests in genre and taste, as Radio1 play diverse music and current chart music regardless. Therefore if Eminem is in the charts Radio 1 clearly do not have a problem in airing it, having him on the live lounge could further suggest that they do too perhaps enjoy and support him as an artist, although radio stations appear unbiased. Kiss are another radio station which play Eminems music regularly but also have to censor his lyrics due to bad language and to minimise and prevent complaints or offending the public. Kiss have a broad target demographic who tune in to specifically listen to remixes, rnb,hiphop, rap and pop therefore seeing as Eminem fits into this category they will play his music.

Other companies such as MTV are more cautious when airing Eminems music on tv, unlike radio stations which play a selection of his songs. MTV do not play Eminems music videos as it is said to perhaps create or develop conflict with other artists as he mimics them. MTV may at times prevent playing his music due to risking losing viewers, they might believe that the audience may find it offensive although contradictively I would argue that MTV have a very similar audience to kiss whom do not suggest it is offensive and therefore do play it. However I have realised while watching MTV myself that they do have Eminem music if he is in the charts which is very rarely today. For example perhaps they allow him to be on MTV more so when he is featuring with another artist such as Rihanna - "Love the way you lie", because this was played many times. On the other hand it is suttle and involves less bad language in comparison to his older albums. From research MTV appear to be a lot more cautious with which Eminem songs they play, this is not just specific to Eminem either, as MTV regularly skip music videos stating that it is too 'inappropriate' for viewing, again Rihannas S&M video.  This could be due to MTV being such a huge, popular well known company which wants to allow anyone to switch on and enjoy the current music, the emphasis is also on pop music other than rap which is perhaps more appropriate, rap is only played when making the charts so has less relevance than it being played on Kiss.

To understand how Eminem impacts positively or negitivley through his music, we developed a ten year olds point of view, this was important in making sure that the debate covered and considered all ages to see how Eminem impacts on different lives. As a ten year old would could have an extremely different perspective as they could be more easily influenced as he looks up to his idol. However he may admire Eminem but he understands right from wrong and just simply enjoys his music. Agreeing that if parents don't wait their children to watch it then they should not give them access to the internet but regardless children will be influenced and would just "watch it round a friends house anyway."

However there are many people that disagree with younger children listening or it even being accepted and played in the UK. People against suggest Eminems music is unacceptable as they believe it is racist, evoking a stereotypical image of white women appearing superior to black women.
 "Blacks and whites, they sometimes mix/ But black girls only want your money, 'cause they're dumb chicksNever date a black girl, because blacks only want your money/ And that sh-- ain't funny." Eminem however suggests it was just lyrics made out of anger during his teenage years as he had just broken up with an African American girlfriend. People further argue that it is still not acceptable as he is still highlighting segregation between races. People therefore create petitions in order to boycott his music.
 A 21 year old fan would disagree with this by suggesting that he is an inspiration to people as he came from nothing with a tough upbringing; highlighting that he could have remained as nothing while being brought up with a single parent- his mum, and dealing with his uncles suicide.
Eminem himself is strongly against seeing himself or being classed as an artist which is a negative role model and bad influence to specifically children. Eminem expresses that he is just voicing views through music and it is simply freedom of speech, further suggesting that it is in someones nature to be an influential character and he should not be blamed for this when the audience have an option whether they want to listen to his music or not. Therefore it is not his fault, suggesting that if someone is capable of committing murders it is down to them already being psychiatrically unstable beforehand in order to commit such a crime, as his music would not physically impact someone to do this. He concludes his point of view by saying 'music is just simply entertainment', which implies that it should just be accepted and not be taken literally or seriously as all music is elaborated, this is part of the media. However contradictory to this if music is just for entertainment shouldn't it be subtle and suitable for all in order for everyone to be entertained? Considering this is should not be, as this is what differentiates Eminem from other artists, and he is admired for, attracting his specific individual target demographic, he is simply doing his job and in order to be successful in that he needs to portray a persona through music which is going to allow him to stand out from different rappers in order to be successful. Therefore he is going to create controversy, attracting publicity. His music videos such as "We made you" is similar to a parody of other artists, people suggest that this is offensive but when observing his behaviour he is not serious and wants it to be viewed as humorous, to some extend he is speaking the truth but perhaps does cross the line. People do not seem to realise that just because he is highlighting what comes to his mind in terms of entertainment it does not mean he is taking a serious dislike to a character; black humour is created. This is portrayed through the 'Just lose it' when Michael Jacksons nose drops off, although eminem was criticised by this he sort of gets away with it due to being known and familiar for this, people will begin to admire and like him  because it's different.
Eminem owns his record labels called Shady Records which started up in 1999 with his manager named Paul Rosenberg, since this it has signed nine acts and is part of other businesses in radio stations such as Shade 45. Their record label is already exploited and current in the media and, people are aware of Eminems record label as they are only conveying reality, they will be spoke about regardless; if Eminem was not being mentioned the focus would be on someone else, which is a reflection of fame and the industry.

On the other hand parents points may vary, its difficult to express the views of every parenting figure, as views would be extremely diverse. The majority of parents would agree that if children have the correct upbringing the videos and lyrics will not effect the children. However they can and will be influenced by other people around them as this is part of lifes process, in growing up and learning, but rappers are not to blame for this. Their music is generally treated too seriously when its freedom of speech. Some parents on the other hand would disagree with this and would not like their children to listen to lyrics with swearing etc, people have extreme views.

To conclude, I agree with Eminem, music is just a simply a form of entertainment and if you are brought up correctly with morals and grounded you will know right from wrong. For example I grew up listening to Eminem from the age of seven due to my older brother listening to it all the time, I used to sing and know his songs. However if he did make us a CD he would make sure the swearing was censored. Eminem has managed to successfully express himself through his lyrics as he raps about his lifestyle; in a sense potryaying stronger more powerful emotions than other artists which attempt to portray a deluded fabricated unrealistic lifestyle. His music may be controversial and portrayed as offensive, perhaps outrageous or inappropriate but this is typical to the conventions of a rapper, as part of their persona. Why should Eminem  be considered any different incomparison to Lil Wayne or Kanye West?

Acknowledgement of censorship laws throughout the UK.
Laws - Guidelines and regulations which must be taken into account when producing, distributing a music video.
  • "Programmes generally should not include smoking and drinking unless the context veracity requires it"
  • "Particular care is needed with programmes likely to be seen by children and young people"
  • "Care needs to be taken to avoid any impression that illegal drugs are an acceptable feature of modern British society. Particularly in programmes of special appeal to children and young people"
  • "Caition should be applied to solvent abuse, and detailed deomonstrations of methods of illegal drug-taking that could easily be imitated should be avoided"
  • "Drug and solvent abuse should not be shown in wish a way as to appear problem-free or gmalerous"
  • The UK emply the use of a watershed which is a set time in which adult content can be shwon openly on television, lasting from 9.00pm to 5.30 am

  • Summary


1 comment:

  1. Your post on censorship shows a good understanding of how music videos are censored in the music industry. You have defined the purpose of ofcom well and you have also considered a range of various music artists to support the points that you are making.

    To make this post more detailed you need to include screenshots to support the points that you are making and you also need to refer to Eminem's music videos in more detail to develop your understanding further too.

    Finally aim to include a summary to explain how you will follow the censorship rules within your own music video, by considering your chosen song and video ideas
