Wednesday 3 October 2012


How do the micro-elements vary in different music genres consider examples?

Elements vary to differentiate genres however through analysing, many conventions do relate as they attempt to convey a somewhat similar image. For example rap music and pop as the materialistic image is extremely important, excessive jewellary,  cars and designer clothes are used throughout. This is to make the artists appear unique as an individual creating the impression that they lead a life which no one else has; differentiating and attracting the public as they look up, aspiring to live this life and follow what they do not have. A rap artist is generally reflected as an individual, independant character with strength and attitutde to connote that they do not need anyone else. This is reflected through  various screen shots and specific editing, such as midshots and mirrored effects, to elaborate their arrogance and perhaps lack of consideration in order to potray their self importance as if 'I'm bigger and better than you ' and therefore superior. Rappers generally highlight a struggled upbringing which is revealed through their lyrics and emotions, allowing an understanding as to why they perhaps behave the way they do, depicting the idea of coming from nothing.  This adds to their attention as it again begins to highlight an individual charactter , adding to their persona and image. Ironically rappers mention their vulnerability and struggle through life in order to sugges their growing anger and now strength.
On the other hand genres such as rock vary completely, apart from perhaps genres of rap my have slight elements of performance based footage. Rock generally focuses on performance based music videos, suggesting that they are not highlighted as a superior character but focus on more their music than persona and life background. Stereotypes to a rock genre consist of dark/black clothing, heavy makeup with dark instruments and items such as their amps. Some rock bands portray a more rebellious attitude as in 'breaking rules' and being distruptive by mashing their instruments. As the rock genre music videos are majority performance based, they do not have a specific concept and do not relate lyrics with visuals, the focus is on the atmosphere and experience created through their instruments and music. This is very different to genres such as pop or rap as rock will evolve around numerous close ups of instruments, other than just a main focus on the artists. This must be taken into account as there is more than one focus, rock genres usually involve a band, although there is a specific focus on the singer, the conventions are extremely different. Pop music engages with the audience through body language and direct reference to the camera such as pointing, this is less common to a rock genre as they appear to be enhanced in their music, this could be suggested by their actions through playing an electric guitar or facial expressions as there is a close up showing emotions or perhaps aggression. Rock genre doesn't focus on having this idealised image of perfection but more a gritty, different image consisting of leather, studs to differentiate themselves from other genres.
Micro elements vary throughout genres and even within each genre as many music videos attempt to create diversity in order to provoke independence, stand out and capture the interests of those in which they may not instantly appeal to, however this must be considered carefully as artists want to continue to capture and appeal to their demograhpic.

What ideas/inspirations can you take from your analysis for your own video.

Analysing various music genres has given me a better understanding of the conventions used to market and conform to specific expectations in order to please and capture the audience. After looking at music videos I realised that camera angles are extremely important in building a relationship and connecting with the audience, these must be considered and planned out well in order to be successful as they help convey emotion, connecting the audience to the song lyrics.

Depending on what song we decide, the audience must be considered and questioned, as all music genres have a specific audience, we must take this into account in order to produce a good peice of work. As well as this it is also important to include conventions to that genre, unless we later plan to challenge conventions, however the music videos I have analysed conform to conventions which is more common, due to this I have been influenced to produce a music video which conforms to specific conventions as it is easier to convey. Looking at these videos has inspired me to explore varied editing processes, hopfully we can use fades or mirror effects, this is also important in connecting to the audience, mirrored effects allows the artist to  familiarise themselves with the audience; this would be important if they are less known. A fade edit is relevant to use especially when attempting to set the tone, as it further evokes the atmosphere; I realised that this is generally used through music videos which are focused on relationship problems. If we decide to base our project on the song 'Love me' I think this would be rather appropriate.

I also discovered that personally I find narrative videos most effective because it makes the lyrics appear more relevant, engaging us and connecting us to what is being sung. I think it adds to the emotional states and mind of what he artist is feeling or trying to show even if it is through actors. However it is also important to perhaps include some elements of performance based conventions to break it up and show the artists expressions.

It is important that we take into account the very basic equipment we have in comparison to filming a professional music video  and make sure we try to use this to the best of our ability, therefore it is important to consider the camera angles to prevent it from just looking like a very, very basic home made video.

1 comment:

  1. Your analysis of your three chosen music genres shows a good understanding of how micro elements are used and reflected differently. Your use of screenshots also help to support the points that you are making and you have also considered the role of the conventions well too.

    To make your post more detailed you need to consider the role of the target audience in more detail and you also need to expand on the points that you are making for the first question above
