Wednesday 3 October 2012

The average target audience ranges between 12-25 year olds, mainly appealing to teenagers. Due to such a large audience MTV have various subsidiary labels in order to capture and entertain more specific interests in genres of music such as base, rock, dance, hits and classic, this also allows them to target specific  groups of people with different interests . Although their main focus is originally teenagers through their music and television programmes.  An example of this would be MTV Hits which appeals to teenagers/youth as it plays the official charts, focusing on current music which is largely influenced by pop with RnB and rap.  These artists target audience are also teenagers as teenagers aspire to be like them as they reflect the wealthy lifestyle influenced by money and materialistic item such as cars, clothes, jewellery, shoes and mansions. This is used as a form of branding as music videos allow the artists to promote themselves. Teenagers will see artists such as Chris Brown, Rihanna, Justin Bieber, and Katy Perry and be influenced by the lifestyle they evoke and aspire to have the wealth and image they have. The traditional logo is simple and indicates what the channel promotes, however it also has various animated logos which have used as a way of advertisement throughout adverts, websites etc. This characterises the music channel, making it appear increasingly fun through the vibrant colours which attract our attention, again appealing to a teenager audience.


VH1 can appeal to a mature audience the majority of the time through music shows such as ‘80s music’. This makes their channel more specific to certain ages as a teenager probably wouldn’t watch 80s music as they would not know any of the songs and it would probably appear extremely dated. However it attracts a niche target audience of teeangers by also airing chart music. This offers diversity to their music channel, varying it and making their channel more popular and well known as teenagers make up the percentage of the music channels watched. Due to this more teenagers will tune in and be captured to watch VH1 if they also play this type of music. There would be advantages and disadvantages to this, it could to some extent attract more people because they can listen to the specific music they want, however it could disengage people that are not of these time eras and therefore cause them to have a drop in views.
The target audience for box television would range between teenagers and young adults. This is because they play mainstream music which consists of pop and RnB which would compete with a channel such as MTV as similar programmes are played such as ‘Uk top 40’, attracting the same audience. However they are slightly varied as they do have more of electro or hiphop music which is also popular. Artists which appear on Box television vart between Rihanna, Taylor Swift to Snoop Dogg.  Box television have their own website and radio station to further extend and reach out to more people, making it more accessible during the day. The logo is simple with the word ‘box’ clearly in boxes; this is bold but at the same time gives it a cartoon like effect making it appear more friendly, suitable to their target audience. The wordiing is less serious incomparison to the ‘television’ font which is basic. The attention is focused on the word ‘box’ to make it appear basic but perhaps apparent/quick, quirky.
Scuzz is a channel which focuses on a rock based genre therefore catering for a smaller more niche demographic in comparison to mainstream. It plays this particular music to reach out to people with an interest in rock inparticular, varying itself and producing a different audience with different music interests all together. Therefore it does not have to compete with channels such as MTV because it plays different music. The target audience for this channel would probably consist of people in their 20s-30s, with teeangers which do have an interest in rock, however rock is a very mixed genre. Scuzz are clearly aware of their diverse viewers and poprock is played for their younger audience but heavy rock is also played for their audience or younger people which may also enjoy this. Due to Scuzz having a smaller audience they do not have a website or radio station, only reaching out via television. However their logo brands itself well as the font with sharp edges and silver shades look like cut out pieces of metal, connoting heavy metal. It looks gothic and spiteful conveying the more rock like stereotypes.
Kiss target an audience of probably, majority older teens and young adults from 16 plus however some 15 year olds and various other, younger teens may listen to it. Kiss play mainstream music which consists of mainly remixes of urban, RnB and pop based music. Artists such as Drake are often played, Rihanna, Kanye West and even remix of Carly Rae Jepson to make it appear clubby/dance. Kiss reach out to their audience in many ways, firstly they have a website and radio station and they even have ‘KISS’ apps such as ‘kiss cube’ which can be downloaded on smartphones and played. This also suggests that they cater for an audience of young people as a lot of young people have smartphones. The logo is light blue which making it vibrant and lively. The logo is basic with a cut out triangle of a square appearing as if it is an open mouth  similar to pacman which relates to the word kiss more.

1 comment:

  1. Your analysis of the various music channels shows some understanding of the music industry. You have made a start in analysing the channels well and you have also considered the target audience and music artists well too.

    To make your points more detailed you need to embed the channel logos and you also need to include the summary points too
