Monday 3 December 2012


1)Representation of music artist
2) connotations of advert
3) Colours and connotations
4) Design/layout
5) Choice of images
6) Typography
7) Style of language
8) How does the advert promote the artist
9) How does it promote the music genre
10) How does it attract the target audience

Representation of the Music Artist
The digipack comes with two cds,one which is his album, the other is a dvd, giving a simple insight into his life and the creation of the album, in order to promote himself. A booklet is also included which consists of a photo shoot and a poster.

Connotations of advert
The connotations of the Justin Bieber cd case indicates 'believing' yourself and following your dream, this is targeted towards specifically young people, for example teenage girls, playing on the idea that Justin believed himself and followed his dreams and look where he is now, emphasising himself as an inspiration and an icon to look up to, as he came from nothing. Teenage girls have been known to look up to Justin and use him as support. The 'believing yourself' theme expressed through this digipack due to the mise en scene, title and Justin being a model example of this through a successful past, as a result could be applied to Adorno's theory, teenagers will look at him as an icon and inspiration, a way of following dreams and relate to this or somewhat 'believe' him and their attempt to be successful. It may boost confidence and self belief or motivation to not give up and continue to motivate yourself towards a successful future.
Design and layout 
The theme of 'believing' is further indicated and supported through the use of warm colours and gold to suggest how he has reached his dream, gold to suggest wealth and success. The reds, oranges and yellows and background setting in a long shot of his picture look as if he is in space, on top of the world and close to the sun to emphasise his success and power, adding to believing.
The design and layout appears simplistic to promote and stress the simple portrayal of dreaming, with a closeup of Justin Biebers face,on the front cover. The positioning and exposure of the lighting on his face appears as if a beam/ray of lighting over his face as he looks to the side, suggesting that he is in reaching distance of where he exactly wants to be, as if there is always a ray of hope, this is made more visible due to the small beam of light in the bottom corner of the cd cover which looks like the sun.  Although the picture appears dark, he is not overshadowed due to this lighting, the light on his face makes him appear warm, golden offering comfort and support, an element of happiness which is supported by the believe title which looks like it has been printed across/stamped in making it prominent and powerful.
(Choices of images)
Each image of Justin reveals him looking away from the camera perhaps to signify he has a dream to follow, it also makes him appear hopeful and as if gazing deep into thought, the colours reflect dream. The back of the cd has an image of Justin playing his guitar with his guitar case open, with the word believe inside, further establishing how he started off, from busking. This is filtered with a gold glaze as if reminiscing how he began, making him appear humbled he is now the gold which he has chased.  Highlighting where his success originated from, the gold glow looks as if it is glowing out of the guitar case.

Justin Bieber appears to be promoting himself through his album, being an established artist enables him to do this, as he appeals to millions of female girls; they want posters and photo shoot images of him.
The back of the cd presents us with the tracklist in gold which coincides with the theme, the top reads lyrics to the 'believe' song 'where would I be if YOU didn't believe', as if attempting to give back an thank the fans for supporting him. This album is as if he is giving back to the fans, providing them with an overload of pictures and a dvd in order to please them and suggest that he is somewhat 'grateful'. The typography throughout each of Justin's albums/singles remain the same, basic but noticeable and effective due to his popularity

Promoting the artist and music genre 
This album promotes Justin Bieber as increasingly maturing as he can now already look back and reflect on his success and how far he has established himself throughout the music industry and internationally.   However as he is still a teenager, and is working on adapting and widening his diverse audience this album simply indicates Justin as a positive role model. He has not faced a change in roles or different image but has subtly created a varied range of music in order to capture and remain interests to those who like him as a 'teen heart throb' . It also represents change, conveying that he is no longer a child and underestimated, because of his huge success.
This is specific to the music genre of pop as many artists front covers consist of close ups, an example of this would be Rihanna's Loud album and Lady gaga. This is effective in allowing pleasing the fans and continue to be instantly recognised, as if promoting popularity.
The representation of the artist is expressed through being a role model, as mentioned earlier as he wears his believe jacket, making a statement. Pop artists are styled in a particular way in order to produce a specific persona, this evokes a typical convention in a pop genre. Justin conforms to Dyer's theory in order to promote him as an icon. He wears fashionable exclusive clothing, the believe jacket is used to specifically promote his album and remain exclusive and original to him, something  no one else can wear, the leather jacket makes his image appear slightly more edgy with a serious facial expression revealed through the over the shoulder shot which creates a feeling of seriousness, guiding away from a young teenage image as he matures into an adult. The camera angles such as long shots, close ups and over the shoulder shots represent him as powerful, this is enhanced by the isolated background. I feel that the long shot of Justin Bieber with the guitar over his shoulder particularly expresses this. Although he appears to be in low key lighting and over shadowed the floor/foreground is luminous, glowing gold, while it looks as if the universe is behind him, representing a pathway to his successful future or conveying that he is at the top. The positioning of the character could appear humbled as his head is down, perhaps while he reflects, on the other hand this could have a contrasting effect as the guitar over him could emphasise that 'look at me' image as he holds the guitar up, which is part of his talent/part of him.  Pop artists

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a good understanding of what a digipak is. You have analysed the digipak well and you have made some good points throughtout.

    To make this post in more detail you need to consider the representation of the artist and music genre in further detail.
